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17/3/2023 - from

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16/3/2023 - from

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12/3/2023 - from

12/3/2023 - from

Thanks for the post
11/3/2023 - from

Thanks, I've been looking for this for a long time
10/3/2023 - from

With the rapid advancements in technology, many musical instruments are evolving and changing at an unprecedented pace. The piano is no exception, with digital and electronic pianos becoming increasingly popular in recent years.

While these new pianos offer many benefits, such as portability and affordability, some argue that they lack the soul and depth of traditional acoustic pianos.

So, what is the role of technology in the future of the piano? Will digital pianos eventually replace traditional acoustic pianos? Or will there always be a place for the unique sound and touch of a classic piano?

How will these changes impact the way we learn, teach, and play the piano?
10/3/2023 - from

bahis siteleri
8/3/2023 - from

interesting post

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